All Different, All Valued, All Equal

Associated Professionals

At Oakfield Park we are really lucky to be able to work with a whole range of professionals many of whom become very well known to us.  We can often act as a hub as a range of professionals come together to work with our students. These professionals are part of our’ team’ to different degrees; 




Physiotherapists ;- who see individual students / work with school staff to enable them to specialise  in enabling  students to access their physio  programmes / work with class staff ensuring they know how students need to be positioned and to enable them to carry out physio programmes in class. 




Speech and Language – advice to class staff on the best approaches to take with young people for the development of communication skills advice on feeding and swallowing issues. 


Occupational Therapy – looking at seating and handling and moving issues and advice on specialist equipment for use in school and a link with home looking at sensory integration issues and advising class staff on how best to meet those needs. 


VI (Visual Impairment), HI (Hearing Impairment)  & MSI (Multi-sensory Impairment) - to support students with additional needs on a 1:1 basis and working with class staff to give advice about the best approaches. 


Music Therapist - Working with groups and individuals using music as a way to address the physical, cognitive, emotional, and social needs of students.




Social workers / Children and Family workers – working with school and parents ensuring every student is getting the best services and care possible. 


Community Nursing team – sharing concerns supporting home and school in working together to manage behaviour, issues around sex and relationships. Community nursing team now hold clinics in school. 


Community Paediatricians / Orthopaedic Surgeons - hold regular clinics in school.


Orthotics - hold regular clinics in school to review orthotic equipment. 


Educational Psychologists - visit school/students upon the request of the SENCO


Communication,  Interaction and Access Team (CIAT) - visit school upon request of the school SENCO.


Local Authority 5 day officer – getting to know students, advising and supporting particularly around transition from school. 

All Different, All Valued, All Equal

Associated Professionals

At Oakfield Park we are really lucky to be able to work with a whole range of professionals many of whom become very well known to us.  We can often act as a hub as a range of professionals come together to work with our students. These professionals are part of our’ team’ to different degrees; 




Physiotherapists ;- who see individual students / work with school staff to enable them to specialise  in enabling  students to access their physio  programmes / work with class staff ensuring they know how students need to be positioned and to enable them to carry out physio programmes in class. 




Speech and Language – advice to class staff on the best approaches to take with young people for the development of communication skills advice on feeding and swallowing issues. 


Occupational Therapy – looking at seating and handling and moving issues and advice on specialist equipment for use in school and a link with home looking at sensory integration issues and advising class staff on how best to meet those needs. 


VI (Visual Impairment), HI (Hearing Impairment)  & MSI (Multi-sensory Impairment) - to support students with additional needs on a 1:1 basis and working with class staff to give advice about the best approaches. 


Music Therapist - Working with groups and individuals using music as a way to address the physical, cognitive, emotional, and social needs of students.




Social workers / Children and Family workers – working with school and parents ensuring every student is getting the best services and care possible. 


Community Nursing team – sharing concerns supporting home and school in working together to manage behaviour, issues around sex and relationships. Community nursing team now hold clinics in school. 


Community Paediatricians / Orthopaedic Surgeons - hold regular clinics in school.


Orthotics - hold regular clinics in school to review orthotic equipment. 


Educational Psychologists - visit school/students upon the request of the SENCO


Communication,  Interaction and Access Team (CIAT) - visit school upon request of the school SENCO.


Local Authority 5 day officer – getting to know students, advising and supporting particularly around transition from school.