At Oakfield Park School, Cognition plays an important part in finding out about our world and making sense of it. We want our curriculum to be fun for pupils and to feel relevant in their lives. For this reason, we place an importance on practical tasks for it to be meaningful.
For some students cognition and thinking skills involves the stimulation to and the responses of their senses, developing early concepts of cause and effect, and acting on the environment. For others active exploration leads to making observations and anticipating what might happen, with some students recalling factual information, offering explanations and asking questions.
Cognition enables our students to:
Cognition and thinking skills are addressed in discreet numeracy, ICT and science lessons and also throughout the wider curriculum.
At KS3 objectives are adapted by the class teacher from individual pupil outcomes and to demonstrate progress towards the Evidence for Learning assessment criteria, in order to best meet the needs of students. Students at KS3 follow a three-year rolling programme with delivery differentiated between students according to their needs and ability
At KS4 objectives are adapted by the class teacher from individual pupil outcomes and to demonstrate progress towards the Evidence for Learning assessment criteria and ASDAN syllabus, in order to best meet the needs of students. KS4 students follow a two-year programme with delivery differentiated between students according to their needs and ability.
Post 16:
At Post 16 there is a strong focus on developing independence for adulthood, through the 6 Strand Areas, one of these being Cognition. Objectives are adapted by the class teacher from the Evidence for Learning assessment criteria and from the ASDAN syllabus, in order to best meet the needs of students. P16 students follow a three-year ASDAN programme with delivery differentiated between students according to their needs and ability. Some students also gain accreditation through BTEC and Functional Skills.
Pupils individualised targets are derived from their EHCP outcomes and these are integrated into the planning.