All Different, All Valued, All Equal

Educational Visits

Educational Visits form a vital part of our curriculum and take place on a weekly basis in the local and wider community. 


All students in years 7-11 take part in swimming for a 6 week block each year at Featherstone Swimming pool. 


Year 8 Students have opportunity to attend the Riding for the Disabled an established charity who have supported young people for over 50 years to develop skills in relation to horse riding and maintenance. This provides another valuable opportunity for the development of social and emotional skills. We currently attend Snydale RDA on a Wednesday morning. 


All classes in school are encouraged to access the local and wider community on a regular basis to ensure students are able to transfer skills learnt in school in the real world. 


In Post 16 we offer offsite work related experience visits linked to a students interests and skills.  Students who access this currently attend a work placement 1 day a week supported by our Work Experience Teaching Assistant. 


We are lucky enough to have 4 school minibuses which are adapted to enable students with physical needs to access the community alongside their peers. 


For more information about Educational visits please contact our Assistant Head Kathie Burns 

All Different, All Valued, All Equal

Educational Visits

Educational Visits form a vital part of our curriculum and take place on a weekly basis in the local and wider community. 


All students in years 7-11 take part in swimming for a 6 week block each year at Featherstone Swimming pool. 


Year 8 Students have opportunity to attend the Riding for the Disabled an established charity who have supported young people for over 50 years to develop skills in relation to horse riding and maintenance. This provides another valuable opportunity for the development of social and emotional skills. We currently attend Snydale RDA on a Wednesday morning. 


All classes in school are encouraged to access the local and wider community on a regular basis to ensure students are able to transfer skills learnt in school in the real world. 


In Post 16 we offer offsite work related experience visits linked to a students interests and skills.  Students who access this currently attend a work placement 1 day a week supported by our Work Experience Teaching Assistant. 


We are lucky enough to have 4 school minibuses which are adapted to enable students with physical needs to access the community alongside their peers. 


For more information about Educational visits please contact our Assistant Head Kathie Burns