All Different, All Valued, All Equal


In Post 16 we aim to make our students less dependent by offering a varied and enjoyable curriculum and, in line with The SEND Code of Practice (January 2015), to develop as far as possible, skills to help our students become happy, active, healthy and contributing members of society:

“Preparing for adulthood means preparing for:

  • higher education and/or employment – this includes exploring different employment options, such as support for becoming self-employed and help from supported employment agencies
  • independent living – this means young people having choice, control and freedom over their lives and the support they have, their accommodation and living arrangements, including supported living
  • participating in society, including having friends and supportive relationships, and participating in, and contributing to, the local community
  • being as healthy as possible in adult life”


Our students are working towards long   term “Outcomes” based on the above four points as stated in their EHCP.


The Post 16 curriculum is based on developing the skills in the following areas to prepare our students for adulthood:

  • participate in meaningful work
  • live with a degree of independence
  • be physically healthy through activity
  • be physically healthy through diet
  • use money and tell the time
  • travel with some independence
  • be access the internet and social media safely
  • socialise safely, appropriately and confidently


We fully understand and appreciate that for some of our students some of these abilities are more relevant than others and that many of our students will always require some level of support.


Additionally all students are required to further develop Maths and English skills in line with government guidelines and again we acknowledge that while the content of these subject areas will be based on the specifications for Entry Level Functional Skills for our more able students, considerable differentiation / adaptation will be required for many of our other learners.


In Post 16 students can access a 2-year bespoke pathway in Post 16 (years 12 and 13) once students reach the age of 18, access to education is not automatic and students need to demonstrate academic progress and good attendance to continue in education. We work closely with the Transitions team to ensure students are supported into their next phase whether it be continuing education or accessing a social care/health provision.


Year 14 is focused on living skills and students will access a bespoke timetable which will include transition to their adult social care of health provision. During their time in school they will continue to have access to physio, occupational therapy and health input.


Post 16 Student Pathways


Students are organised into class groups dependent on need and ability rather than necessarily school year using information from EHCPs, class staff and other associated professionals. These arrangements are regularly reviewed and students may change pathways during their time in Post 16.


Post 16 Student Pathways

Post 16 students follow our Formal, Semi-Formal or Informal curricula and are in class groups dependent on need and ability rather than school year based on information from EHCPs, class staff and other associated professionals. These arrangements are regularly reviewed and students may change pathways during their time in Post 16.  


In Post 16 most Students will have access a 2-year pathway (years 12 and 13) once students reach the age of 18, they become an adult, and access to education is not automatic. Students need to demonstrate continuingacademic progress and good attendance to continue in education. We work closely with the Local Authority, Transitions team and families to ensure students are supported into their next phase whether it be continuing education or accessing a social care/health provision.


Informal Pathway

Learners attend Oakfield Park up to the age of 18 (participation age) When students have completed year 13, school will work alongside parents, other professionals and the Local Authority to plan the next stage.  This may be to continue academic progress at Oakfield Park school or to transition to a social care/health provision.   Students on this pathway may have PMLD or Complex medical/physical Needs identified on their EHCP. Our informal curriculum pathway is for our most complex learners and focuses on developing;

·      multi-sensory engagement based around their interests. 

·      intentional communication, though gesture, eye pointing or early language

·      toleration of sensory input and therapies

Students will complete ASDAN accreditation by the end of year 13.


Semi-Formal Pathway

Learners attend Oakfield Park up to the age of 18 (participation age) When students have completed year 13, school will work alongside parents, other professionals and the Local Authority to plan the next stage.  This may be to continue academic progress at Oakfield Park school or to transition to a social care/health provision.  Students on this pathway may have SLD or Complex Needs identified on their EHCP. The semi-formal curriculum pathway focuses on developing;

·       the practical application of skills and knowledge,

·       student voice and choice,

·       fostering positive social communication skills and independence. 

·       self-help skills for use in both the home and in the community

·       independence by offering experiences of work that build personal skills.

Students will complete ASDAN accreditation by the end of year 13.


Formal Pathway

Learners attend Oakfield Park up to the age of 18 (participation age) When students have completed year 13, school will work alongside parents, other professionals and the Local Authority to plan the next stage.  This will be either college or supported Internship. Students may have SLD or Complex Needs identified on their EHCP. Our formal curriculum pathway focuses on developing;

·      the practical application of skills and knowledge,

·      higher levels of independence and social skills through work experience placements, enterprise projects, meal planning and preparation, choosing and using leisure facilities and travel training,

·      student voice and choice

·      positive social communication skills and independence. 


Students will complete accreditation by the end of year 13 in  Pre-vocational studies BTEC and Functional Skills in English and Maths for life beyond school.


Post 16 Curriculum & Assessment


Tracking Progress


Over their time in Post 16 students show progress through improved communication, taking increased responsibility and demonstrating greater independence.


Students are set Individual Education Plan (IEP) targets three times per year which are based on their EHCP Outcomes. These IEP targets then inform the small step objectives to be worked on in teaching and learning sessions over the relevant school terms in order that students are able to make progress towards their EHCP Outcomes. These IEP targets make up part of our Personalised Learning Goals (PLG), progress is assessed and tracked at least termly.


Students are awarded Post 16 Achievement Certificates as acknowledgement of work and progress at our weekly departmental assembly.



Post 16 Prospectus 2024-2025

All Different, All Valued, All Equal


In Post 16 we aim to make our students less dependent by offering a varied and enjoyable curriculum and, in line with The SEND Code of Practice (January 2015), to develop as far as possible, skills to help our students become happy, active, healthy and contributing members of society:

“Preparing for adulthood means preparing for:

  • higher education and/or employment – this includes exploring different employment options, such as support for becoming self-employed and help from supported employment agencies
  • independent living – this means young people having choice, control and freedom over their lives and the support they have, their accommodation and living arrangements, including supported living
  • participating in society, including having friends and supportive relationships, and participating in, and contributing to, the local community
  • being as healthy as possible in adult life”


Our students are working towards long   term “Outcomes” based on the above four points as stated in their EHCP.


The Post 16 curriculum is based on developing the skills in the following areas to prepare our students for adulthood:

  • participate in meaningful work
  • live with a degree of independence
  • be physically healthy through activity
  • be physically healthy through diet
  • use money and tell the time
  • travel with some independence
  • be access the internet and social media safely
  • socialise safely, appropriately and confidently


We fully understand and appreciate that for some of our students some of these abilities are more relevant than others and that many of our students will always require some level of support.


Additionally all students are required to further develop Maths and English skills in line with government guidelines and again we acknowledge that while the content of these subject areas will be based on the specifications for Entry Level Functional Skills for our more able students, considerable differentiation / adaptation will be required for many of our other learners.


In Post 16 students can access a 2-year bespoke pathway in Post 16 (years 12 and 13) once students reach the age of 18, access to education is not automatic and students need to demonstrate academic progress and good attendance to continue in education. We work closely with the Transitions team to ensure students are supported into their next phase whether it be continuing education or accessing a social care/health provision.


Year 14 is focused on living skills and students will access a bespoke timetable which will include transition to their adult social care of health provision. During their time in school they will continue to have access to physio, occupational therapy and health input.


Post 16 Student Pathways


Students are organised into class groups dependent on need and ability rather than necessarily school year using information from EHCPs, class staff and other associated professionals. These arrangements are regularly reviewed and students may change pathways during their time in Post 16.


Post 16 Student Pathways

Post 16 students follow our Formal, Semi-Formal or Informal curricula and are in class groups dependent on need and ability rather than school year based on information from EHCPs, class staff and other associated professionals. These arrangements are regularly reviewed and students may change pathways during their time in Post 16.  


In Post 16 most Students will have access a 2-year pathway (years 12 and 13) once students reach the age of 18, they become an adult, and access to education is not automatic. Students need to demonstrate continuingacademic progress and good attendance to continue in education. We work closely with the Local Authority, Transitions team and families to ensure students are supported into their next phase whether it be continuing education or accessing a social care/health provision.


Informal Pathway

Learners attend Oakfield Park up to the age of 18 (participation age) When students have completed year 13, school will work alongside parents, other professionals and the Local Authority to plan the next stage.  This may be to continue academic progress at Oakfield Park school or to transition to a social care/health provision.   Students on this pathway may have PMLD or Complex medical/physical Needs identified on their EHCP. Our informal curriculum pathway is for our most complex learners and focuses on developing;

·      multi-sensory engagement based around their interests. 

·      intentional communication, though gesture, eye pointing or early language

·      toleration of sensory input and therapies

Students will complete ASDAN accreditation by the end of year 13.


Semi-Formal Pathway

Learners attend Oakfield Park up to the age of 18 (participation age) When students have completed year 13, school will work alongside parents, other professionals and the Local Authority to plan the next stage.  This may be to continue academic progress at Oakfield Park school or to transition to a social care/health provision.  Students on this pathway may have SLD or Complex Needs identified on their EHCP. The semi-formal curriculum pathway focuses on developing;

·       the practical application of skills and knowledge,

·       student voice and choice,

·       fostering positive social communication skills and independence. 

·       self-help skills for use in both the home and in the community

·       independence by offering experiences of work that build personal skills.

Students will complete ASDAN accreditation by the end of year 13.


Formal Pathway

Learners attend Oakfield Park up to the age of 18 (participation age) When students have completed year 13, school will work alongside parents, other professionals and the Local Authority to plan the next stage.  This will be either college or supported Internship. Students may have SLD or Complex Needs identified on their EHCP. Our formal curriculum pathway focuses on developing;

·      the practical application of skills and knowledge,

·      higher levels of independence and social skills through work experience placements, enterprise projects, meal planning and preparation, choosing and using leisure facilities and travel training,

·      student voice and choice

·      positive social communication skills and independence. 


Students will complete accreditation by the end of year 13 in  Pre-vocational studies BTEC and Functional Skills in English and Maths for life beyond school.


Post 16 Curriculum & Assessment


Tracking Progress


Over their time in Post 16 students show progress through improved communication, taking increased responsibility and demonstrating greater independence.


Students are set Individual Education Plan (IEP) targets three times per year which are based on their EHCP Outcomes. These IEP targets then inform the small step objectives to be worked on in teaching and learning sessions over the relevant school terms in order that students are able to make progress towards their EHCP Outcomes. These IEP targets make up part of our Personalised Learning Goals (PLG), progress is assessed and tracked at least termly.


Students are awarded Post 16 Achievement Certificates as acknowledgement of work and progress at our weekly departmental assembly.



Post 16 Prospectus 2024-2025

All Different, All Valued, All Equal


In Post 16 we aim to make our students less dependent by offering a varied and enjoyable curriculum and, in line with The SEND Code of Practice (January 2015), to develop as far as possible, skills to help our students become happy, active, healthy and contributing members of society:

“Preparing for adulthood means preparing for:

  • higher education and/or employment – this includes exploring different employment options, such as support for becoming self-employed and help from supported employment agencies
  • independent living – this means young people having choice, control and freedom over their lives and the support they have, their accommodation and living arrangements, including supported living
  • participating in society, including having friends and supportive relationships, and participating in, and contributing to, the local community
  • being as healthy as possible in adult life”


Our students are working towards long   term “Outcomes” based on the above four points as stated in their EHCP.


The Post 16 curriculum is based on developing the skills in the following areas to prepare our students for adulthood:

  • participate in meaningful work
  • live with a degree of independence
  • be physically healthy through activity
  • be physically healthy through diet
  • use money and tell the time
  • travel with some independence
  • be access the internet and social media safely
  • socialise safely, appropriately and confidently


We fully understand and appreciate that for some of our students some of these abilities are more relevant than others and that many of our students will always require some level of support.


Additionally all students are required to further develop Maths and English skills in line with government guidelines and again we acknowledge that while the content of these subject areas will be based on the specifications for Entry Level Functional Skills for our more able students, considerable differentiation / adaptation will be required for many of our other learners.


In Post 16 students can access a 2-year bespoke pathway in Post 16 (years 12 and 13) once students reach the age of 18, access to education is not automatic and students need to demonstrate academic progress and good attendance to continue in education. We work closely with the Transitions team to ensure students are supported into their next phase whether it be continuing education or accessing a social care/health provision.


Year 14 is focused on living skills and students will access a bespoke timetable which will include transition to their adult social care of health provision. During their time in school they will continue to have access to physio, occupational therapy and health input.


Post 16 Student Pathways


Students are organised into class groups dependent on need and ability rather than necessarily school year using information from EHCPs, class staff and other associated professionals. These arrangements are regularly reviewed and students may change pathways during their time in Post 16.


Post 16 Student Pathways

Post 16 students follow our Formal, Semi-Formal or Informal curricula and are in class groups dependent on need and ability rather than school year based on information from EHCPs, class staff and other associated professionals. These arrangements are regularly reviewed and students may change pathways during their time in Post 16.  


In Post 16 most Students will have access a 2-year pathway (years 12 and 13) once students reach the age of 18, they become an adult, and access to education is not automatic. Students need to demonstrate continuingacademic progress and good attendance to continue in education. We work closely with the Local Authority, Transitions team and families to ensure students are supported into their next phase whether it be continuing education or accessing a social care/health provision.


Informal Pathway

Learners attend Oakfield Park up to the age of 18 (participation age) When students have completed year 13, school will work alongside parents, other professionals and the Local Authority to plan the next stage.  This may be to continue academic progress at Oakfield Park school or to transition to a social care/health provision.   Students on this pathway may have PMLD or Complex medical/physical Needs identified on their EHCP. Our informal curriculum pathway is for our most complex learners and focuses on developing;

·      multi-sensory engagement based around their interests. 

·      intentional communication, though gesture, eye pointing or early language

·      toleration of sensory input and therapies

Students will complete ASDAN accreditation by the end of year 13.


Semi-Formal Pathway

Learners attend Oakfield Park up to the age of 18 (participation age) When students have completed year 13, school will work alongside parents, other professionals and the Local Authority to plan the next stage.  This may be to continue academic progress at Oakfield Park school or to transition to a social care/health provision.  Students on this pathway may have SLD or Complex Needs identified on their EHCP. The semi-formal curriculum pathway focuses on developing;

·       the practical application of skills and knowledge,

·       student voice and choice,

·       fostering positive social communication skills and independence. 

·       self-help skills for use in both the home and in the community

·       independence by offering experiences of work that build personal skills.

Students will complete ASDAN accreditation by the end of year 13.


Formal Pathway

Learners attend Oakfield Park up to the age of 18 (participation age) When students have completed year 13, school will work alongside parents, other professionals and the Local Authority to plan the next stage.  This will be either college or supported Internship. Students may have SLD or Complex Needs identified on their EHCP. Our formal curriculum pathway focuses on developing;

·      the practical application of skills and knowledge,

·      higher levels of independence and social skills through work experience placements, enterprise projects, meal planning and preparation, choosing and using leisure facilities and travel training,

·      student voice and choice

·      positive social communication skills and independence. 


Students will complete accreditation by the end of year 13 in  Pre-vocational studies BTEC and Functional Skills in English and Maths for life beyond school.


Post 16 Curriculum & Assessment


Tracking Progress


Over their time in Post 16 students show progress through improved communication, taking increased responsibility and demonstrating greater independence.


Students are set Individual Education Plan (IEP) targets three times per year which are based on their EHCP Outcomes. These IEP targets then inform the small step objectives to be worked on in teaching and learning sessions over the relevant school terms in order that students are able to make progress towards their EHCP Outcomes. These IEP targets make up part of our Personalised Learning Goals (PLG), progress is assessed and tracked at least termly.


Students are awarded Post 16 Achievement Certificates as acknowledgement of work and progress at our weekly departmental assembly.



Post 16 Prospectus 2024-2025
