The Careers Lead for School is Dale Woolsey
Please contact him for further information. or 01977 613423.
Work Related Learning Opportunities
Within Post 16 we provide a wide range of opportunities for students including internal and external work experiences. For example within school, students work in horticulture, construction and in the school office.
Off site opportunities can include working in a charity shop, on a farm, at the local dog kennels, in cafes or fast food outlets and within local primary schools. Whenever necessary our students benefit from 1:1 support or may access longer term regular placements if appropriate.
Post 16 Enterprise
Students learn about enterprise in Post 16 by making and selling items such as pots of bulbs, home grown vegetables, calendars, wooden planters and jewellery. Students take turns to run the break time Tuck Shop and the popular weekly Coffee Shop
We work with an Enterprise co-ordinator from Leeds City Region Enterprise Partnership to ensure our careers programme is appropriate.
If you are a young person with a learning difficulty or disability aged 16 – 25 our Web Advisers can support you with a range of issues including education and training choices, employment, money, health and relationships, helping you to make the right decisions and take action.
The links on the Young People page will give you general information and are a good starting point to check out your options for the future. The Local Offer in Wakefield is specifically for children and young adults with Special Educational Needs and/or disabilities, and their families.
It aims to give you the information you may need, or want to know, about:
Please click here for further information.
Our Work Experience Programme provides students with valuable workplace skills through hands-on experience in real-work settings. Each student is supported by our dedicated job coach, ensuring that all tasks are completed successfully and students are supported throughout their placement. We are constantly seeking new and diverse placement opportunities to offer a wide range of experiences for our students. If you're interested in partnering with us to offer a placement, please contact us at
The Careers Lead for School is Dale Woolsey
Please contact him for further information. or 01977 613423.
Work Related Learning Opportunities
Within Post 16 we provide a wide range of opportunities for students including internal and external work experiences. For example within school, students work in horticulture, construction and in the school office.
Off site opportunities can include working in a charity shop, on a farm, at the local dog kennels, in cafes or fast food outlets and within local primary schools. Whenever necessary our students benefit from 1:1 support or may access longer term regular placements if appropriate.
Post 16 Enterprise
Students learn about enterprise in Post 16 by making and selling items such as pots of bulbs, home grown vegetables, calendars, wooden planters and jewellery. Students take turns to run the break time Tuck Shop and the popular weekly Coffee Shop
We work with an Enterprise co-ordinator from Leeds City Region Enterprise Partnership to ensure our careers programme is appropriate.
If you are a young person with a learning difficulty or disability aged 16 – 25 our Web Advisers can support you with a range of issues including education and training choices, employment, money, health and relationships, helping you to make the right decisions and take action.
The links on the Young People page will give you general information and are a good starting point to check out your options for the future. The Local Offer in Wakefield is specifically for children and young adults with Special Educational Needs and/or disabilities, and their families.
It aims to give you the information you may need, or want to know, about:
Please click here for further information.
Our Work Experience Programme provides students with valuable workplace skills through hands-on experience in real-work settings. Each student is supported by our dedicated job coach, ensuring that all tasks are completed successfully and students are supported throughout their placement. We are constantly seeking new and diverse placement opportunities to offer a wide range of experiences for our students. If you're interested in partnering with us to offer a placement, please contact us at
The Careers Lead for School is Dale Woolsey
Please contact him for further information. or 01977 613423.
Work Related Learning Opportunities
Within Post 16 we provide a wide range of opportunities for students including internal and external work experiences. For example within school, students work in horticulture, construction and in the school office.
Off site opportunities can include working in a charity shop, on a farm, at the local dog kennels, in cafes or fast food outlets and within local primary schools. Whenever necessary our students benefit from 1:1 support or may access longer term regular placements if appropriate.
Post 16 Enterprise
Students learn about enterprise in Post 16 by making and selling items such as pots of bulbs, home grown vegetables, calendars, wooden planters and jewellery. Students take turns to run the break time Tuck Shop and the popular weekly Coffee Shop
We work with an Enterprise co-ordinator from Leeds City Region Enterprise Partnership to ensure our careers programme is appropriate.
If you are a young person with a learning difficulty or disability aged 16 – 25 our Web Advisers can support you with a range of issues including education and training choices, employment, money, health and relationships, helping you to make the right decisions and take action.
The links on the Young People page will give you general information and are a good starting point to check out your options for the future. The Local Offer in Wakefield is specifically for children and young adults with Special Educational Needs and/or disabilities, and their families.
It aims to give you the information you may need, or want to know, about:
Please click here for further information.
Our Work Experience Programme provides students with valuable workplace skills through hands-on experience in real-work settings. Each student is supported by our dedicated job coach, ensuring that all tasks are completed successfully and students are supported throughout their placement. We are constantly seeking new and diverse placement opportunities to offer a wide range of experiences for our students. If you're interested in partnering with us to offer a placement, please contact us at