All Different, All Valued, All Equal
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Independence Strand

Importance of Independence at Oakfield Park school

At Oakfield Park School we value the individuality and independence of each and every one of our students. We strive to provide opportunities within the curriculum and throughout every department in school to develop the self-esteem, confidence and independence of all students.

Developing the independence of all out students is vitally important to ensure their safety in the home and wider community; build their confidence and sense of self; to complete personal care tasks with privacy and dignity.


At Oakfield Park we want :

1. Students to develop their personal care skills so they are able to meet their own personal care needs with as much independence as possible

2.     Students to develop their fine motor skills so they are able to use their hands to complete work, personal care and leisure tasks with as much independence as possible

3.     Students to develop their mobility and gross motor skills to increase their own independence

4.     Students to develop cooking skills so they are able to prepare and cook food safely and with independence

5.     Students to become skilled with using a range of adapted utensils, tools and technology so they are able to communicate, work and complete life skills tasks with independence

6.     All students to regularly access the school’s food technology room or kitchen in the flat, to ensure plenty of opportunities to practice cooking and life skills

7.     Students to understand the importance of healthy eating and support our students to cook and eat healthier options

8.     Students to use shops, parks, museums, libraries and other facilities in the community with growing independence

9.     Students to develop their understanding of road safety so that they are able to travel in the community safely and independently

10. Students to develop an understanding of stranger danger and safer strangers so they are able to keep safe when accessing the community independently

11. Students to participate in work experience tasks in a classroom, whole school or community setting

12. Students to know and understand their own preferences, interests, strengths and dislikes so they are able to live a fulfilled and independent life

13.  Students to develop a sense of responsibility and pride for their belongings, work, classroom environment, school and themselves.

14. To provide our students with the skills and understanding needed to live as independently as they possibly can in their adult life.

Click here for more information on EfL.

Independence Coverage


2023/4 Independence Policy

All Different, All Valued, All Equal
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Independence Strand

Importance of Independence at Oakfield Park school

At Oakfield Park School we value the individuality and independence of each and every one of our students. We strive to provide opportunities within the curriculum and throughout every department in school to develop the self-esteem, confidence and independence of all students.

Developing the independence of all out students is vitally important to ensure their safety in the home and wider community; build their confidence and sense of self; to complete personal care tasks with privacy and dignity.


At Oakfield Park we want :

1. Students to develop their personal care skills so they are able to meet their own personal care needs with as much independence as possible

2.     Students to develop their fine motor skills so they are able to use their hands to complete work, personal care and leisure tasks with as much independence as possible

3.     Students to develop their mobility and gross motor skills to increase their own independence

4.     Students to develop cooking skills so they are able to prepare and cook food safely and with independence

5.     Students to become skilled with using a range of adapted utensils, tools and technology so they are able to communicate, work and complete life skills tasks with independence

6.     All students to regularly access the school’s food technology room or kitchen in the flat, to ensure plenty of opportunities to practice cooking and life skills

7.     Students to understand the importance of healthy eating and support our students to cook and eat healthier options

8.     Students to use shops, parks, museums, libraries and other facilities in the community with growing independence

9.     Students to develop their understanding of road safety so that they are able to travel in the community safely and independently

10. Students to develop an understanding of stranger danger and safer strangers so they are able to keep safe when accessing the community independently

11. Students to participate in work experience tasks in a classroom, whole school or community setting

12. Students to know and understand their own preferences, interests, strengths and dislikes so they are able to live a fulfilled and independent life

13.  Students to develop a sense of responsibility and pride for their belongings, work, classroom environment, school and themselves.

14. To provide our students with the skills and understanding needed to live as independently as they possibly can in their adult life.

Click here for more information on EfL.

Independence Coverage


2023/4 Independence Policy
